News Bulletin
- Editorial Note
- Why China Wants Yuan to be the World's 5th Reserve Currency
- India China to hold Border Talks
- China's Regional Power Shift the Silk Road Initiative
- Indian CMs & Chinese Governors Tango Soon
- On the 65th Anniversary of India China Diplomatic Relations
- Highway To Modernization
Editorial Note
Dear Readers,
It is once again our pleasure to present to you the fresh edition of our News Bulletin.During the interregnum many important events have taken place.India China trade story is firmly in place and unfolding with tremendous speed in many dimensions.The current year also marks the 65th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between India and China. It was in March 65 years ago that our two nations emerged from centuries old stranglehold of poverty and foreign domination and decided to carve out their own future. In order to mark this historic occasion, the Chinese Consulate in Mumbai organized a get together of prominent Indian and Chinese nationals in which many eminent artists,painters and film personalities participated. The sister city concept which germinated during Mr. Xi Jinping's visit to India has started rolling out challenging both countries to devise ways to implement it. In March 2015 a delegation led by the Mayor of Dahung city ,Gansu province in China visited India. After having comprehensive dialogue with the officials of the Chamber, the delegation proceeded to visit Aurangabad. The two cities of Dahung in China and Aurangabad in India are the heritage cities of our two nations and are home to some of the relics of our ancient civilizations. There is a strong move to link up these two and adopt them as sister cities. To give further impetus to this concept the Governor of Gansu province is visiting India in Aug 2015 & we hope to achieve the desired results. In not too distant future the Prime Minister of India is due to pay his first visit to China and it is expected that many important decisions having bilateral implications will be taken.During the past few months, a number of Indian companies have joined us as our new members.We welcome all of them and hope our association will prove mutually enriching & productive