The India-China Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ICCCI) is a Govt. of India recognized all-India organization, registered as a Society. It was formally inaugurated in Mumbai on 20 March 1990 by the Foreign Minister of the People's Republic of China, his Excellency Mr. Qian Qichen. ICCCI has as its main objective promotion of mutually beneficial trade, commercial & economic contacts, industrial collaboration, joint ventures, investment, seminars,international exhibitions etc, between India, China, Hong Kong and Macau in all industries and services.
ICCCI offers many services to the China Council for Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), its provincial branches & industry sub-councils, All China Federation of Industry and Commerce (AFIC), the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) & Macau Investment Promotion Bureau (MIPB) and any other organizations desirous of promotion of India-China trade and economic contacts. It has agreements of cooperation with a number of such bodies.
ICCCI has reciprocity with other industry and trade associations in India & China. The monthly and special news bulletins published by ICCCI are well received by the above institutions. ICCCI also publishes the India News every quarter for its associates in China, Hong Kong and Macau. It is an organization member of the International Chamber of Commerce-India (ICC-India), India-China Joint Business Council, MVIRDC World Trade Centre of Bombay etc. ICCCI works closely with the Chinese embassy, Consulates, ministries and Departments of the Central and State Governments in India. ICCCI is thus in a position to obtain and furnish information regarding China accurately and expeditiously. It has, over the years, developed expertise in these services, which it makes available to its members directly or through its news bulletins.
Genesis And Perspective

The India-China Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ICCCI), which has completed 25 years of existence in 2015, is a govt of India recognized all-India organization for promoting trade between India and China. As an exclusive Chamber focused on China, Hong Kong and Macau, it promotes mutually beneficial trade, commerce, investment, industrial collaboration, joint ventures, international exhibitions, business delegations, economic cooperation, people to people friendship etc.
We render all services to our members without any additional charges, apart from the annual subscription and initial entrance fees. Members joining now will have a long term relationship with this chamber subject to the renewal of membership each year on payment of a token subscription. In furtherance of its objectives, ICCCI has been promoting Chinese International Trade Fairs in India and International Exhibitions in China, Hong Kong and Macau as participation in international exhibitions is one of the most effective methods of increasing mutual trade between our two economies. It is needless to mention that the business transactions between both Chinese and Indian enterprises have over the years, substantially increased which are also reflected in the surging volume and direction of trade between the two countries.
The Chamber has signed agreements of cooperation with most of the Sub-Councils of the CCPIT (China Council for Promotion of International Trade) representing different Provinces and industrial/commodity sectors which enables the Chamber to provide varied services to our members.ICCCI has close relations with the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) and has been actively participating in International Exhibitions promoted by HKTDC. It also works in close cooperation with Consulate General of People's Republic of China, Mumbai, Embassy of PR of China, New Delhi, Embassy of India in Beijing, Consulate General of India in Shanghai and Hong Kong, other Chambers of Commerce, Trade Associations, Export Promotion Councils and Trade facilitating agencies in India It is also a member of the International Chamber of Commerce-India (ICC-India), World Trade Centre of Mumbai and Maharashtra Economic Development Council (MEDC) etc.
With a view to bridging the communication gap between India and China and to create better awareness on the technological and industrial capabilities of both the countries, the Chamber endeavors to provide greater flow of information and data on various matters, by arranging frequent exchange of business delegations, and increased participation in trade fairs held in both the countries. ICCCI is the only chamber of its kind in India devoted exclusively to promotion of trade and economic ties between India and People's Republic of China. It is a matter of great pride that there has been a substantial surge in trade between India and China during the recent years.
News Bulletin: ICCCI brings out a monthly News Bulletin, which is content rich & has relevance to trade & business. It includes details of business opportunities like trade enquiries, investment offers, technology transfer, tenders, projects, etc. to enable Its' members to tap the business potential in China.ICCCI also publishes the India News every quarter for its associates in China, Hong Kong and Macao for prospecting business in India. Chinese and Indian enterprises are welcome to advertise in our News Bulletins/India News and Website.
Chinese Language: To overcome the language barrier and impart education in Chinese language, the Chamber has launched Chinese language education programme in Mumbai, Pune, and New Delhi and also provides interpretation, translation, promotion services in Chinese. ICCCI Website (www.indiachinachamber.com) can host homepage for Indian and Chinese enterprises in both Chinese and English.

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